If you are facing DUI charges, you’re going to need an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer for DUI. There are severe implications and life-changing results that may result from a DUI conviction. For this reason, you’ll need to determine how to find a good lawyer who is competent and experienced, so you’ll get great representation in court. There are some essential qualities to look for in an attorney when you’re facing charges.

Free Resources from OKC DUI Lawyers and Your Fierce Advocates®: 

Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by our founder and Army veteran, John Cannon. We are privileged to defend clients facing OKC DUI charges, Edmond DUI charges, and DUI charges across Oklahoma. We also fight for client’s driving privileges following an Oklahoma DUI arrest. Find FREE RESOURCES on our YouTube page and our website, until we meet to answer your specific questions. You may also CALL NOW at (405) 972-8604, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week for a free case planning session!

How to Find a Good Lawyer for DUI: 9 Qualities to Look for

1. An Excellent Record of Ethics

When you choose a DUI lawyer, they must have a sound ethics record, with no history of malpractice or concerns from previous cases. When you go to court with a highly reputable attorney, a judge and other legal professionals will recognize talented and reputable representation. You’ll find an attorney’s record of disciplinary action available to the public, which makes it easy to research a potential lawyer’s background, so you’ll know if they’re in good standing.

2. Local Representation

When you choose a lawyer from a local firm, they’ll be familiar with your community, judges, and district attorneys in the area. An attorney from your city or town will know the court and may know who will hear your case, which works to your advantage. They will have a more in-depth knowledge of municipal laws and rules, which can provide essential details, including road conditions and other essential information that may support your case.

3. A Good Reputation in Court

If you have an experienced lawyer with a good reputation for winning cases, this can work in your favor when you’re facing DUI charges. An attorney with solid ethics and a solid working knowledge of DUI laws is essential, but you’ll also want to know if they can win your case and have a decent track record of success. If your representation is vague about their ability to win or do not appear confident in your case, it’s best to look for another attorney.

4. Communication Skills

You’ll want an attorney with excellent communication skills, including clear, concise speech and legal documentation that is understood without any difficulty. It’s also important that your representation displays good listening skills, especially when hearing your case and understanding a witness statement or complex situations requiring careful response or action.
An experienced attorney should have good people skills and know what to say and when. Your legal counsel should work on behalf of your best interests, which makes it vital that they know how to appeal to others, to understand your case from a human perspective better while understanding the importance of conveying all the facts and essential details needed for the best possible outcome. Good communication is key to overall success.

5. Full Commitment to Your Case

An attorney with a total commitment to your case is critical and indicates they take your situation seriously and willing to persevere, even when there are challenging circumstances. An experienced and knowledgeable lawyer will defend your best interests and continue to research and consider everything needed to win your case. If you find someone unwilling to take your case seriously, it may be ideal to seek another legal professional.
You’ll want a legal team looking out for you and your best interests, as this can bring you the best possible result in court. A judge and district attorney will recognize and take seriously a lawyer who displays a strong sense of commitment, which is likely to work in your favor.

6. Extensive Knowledge and Training in DUI Cases

Anyone can represent you in court if they are licensed to practice law, though it’s key to have an attorney and legal team who understand DUI laws with confidence, so they can adequately defend you in court. This level of expertise gives you the best chance of winning and possibly avoiding a conviction of the DUI charges. A lawyer with criminal court experience is ideal, though a specific history of success in DUI cases is what you’ll ideally want for your best interest.

7. Empathy and Genuine Interest

Empathy or emotional intelligence is crucial in the court and can make a lasting impact on your case. A lawyer with strong empathy for everyone involved in a DUI case will have the ability to appeal from a sense of understanding and respect. They will understand the emotional need of their clients and those who are a part of the situation while remaining focused on prioritizing your case in the long term.
A lawyer interested in winning will show empathy and connect from a place of care and compassion while remaining direct and concise about your rights and the case outcome.

8. Good Research Skills

Your attorney should have the ability to take in a lot of information at once and assess quickly. In some situations, they will know when a specific aspect of your case will require further research to better support you and create a compelling case. It’s essential to choose a lawyer who isn’t afraid to analyze and take a step back to confirm the facts and focus on the details for further clarity. This is a vital part of legal strategy and building a stronger argument.
When your attorney takes research seriously, it also means they are committed to you. In essence, an experienced legal expert can have the skill to maximize their ability to assess and research a case without wasting time on unnecessary details while determining which items are of utmost importance. They will also know which items are relevant enough to warrant further research and which details are not worth your case’s extra effort or are less helpful.

9. Transparency

When you consult with a DUI attorney, you’ll want to know what to expect, including how likely you will win and whether your case will be successful. Suppose a lawyer isn’t forthcoming with their initial projection on your case. In that case, you might want to reconsider choosing a legal representation that is confident in getting you the best possible outcome. A lawyer should be transparent with you during the case and from the very beginning.
You’ll need to provide as much detail as possible from the first call you make to your attorney, so they can be upfront and manage expectations in the case at all times. If the prospects improve or worsen throughout the court proceedings, they should give you frequent updates so that you’re always aware of what to expect and can make an informed decision whenever necessary.

Get the Help You Need

When you choose an attorney for your DUI case, it’s essential to weigh many factors in deciding whether they are a good fit for representation. Contact us at Cannon and Associates to receive a free evaluation over the phone. We offer valuable tips and information on our website, including a helpful question and answer section to address any initial concerns you may have about a DUI case.
Cannon and Associates are committed to providing an experienced criminal defense for your case, with a solid background in handling numerous DUI cases successfully. We prepare our clients for everything they need before a case goes to court, instilling the best in confidence and support.