A men in a suit and tie holding up his fist ready to fight

Stand Your Ground in Oklahoma: When Can You Fight Back?

You live in Oklahoma, a state known for its strong sense of self-reliance. But what happens when a violent threat challenges that self-reliance? Does Oklahoma’s law allow you to stand your ground and defend yourself, even with deadly force? The answer is yes: Oklahoma has a “Stand Your Ground” law….

A man aiming a gun down a stairwell

Know Your Rights: A Guide to Self-Defense Laws in Oklahoma

If you’ve ever felt unsafe or unsure how to react in a threatening situation, you’re not alone. Thankfully, Oklahoma’s self-defense laws offer protections for those who use justified force in a variety of circumstances. Castle Doctrine: Your Home is Your Haven Imagine this: you hear a noise downstairs in the…

A gun with bullets lying around it.

Defending Your Rights: Choosing a Gun Charge Attorney in OKC

If you’ve been accused of a gun crime in Oklahoma City (OKC), it’s absolutely critical that you seek skilled legal representation as soon as possible. A qualified gun charge attorney can help you understand what’s going on in the legal system and defend your rights aggressively. At Cannon & Associates…

How to Beat Drug Trafficking Charges in Oklahoma?

To beat drug trafficking charges in Oklahoma, your criminal defense attorney and you must convince the prosecutor or judge of one of the following two points or win at trial: Your rights were violated, and that evidence supporting your drug trafficking case was illegally obtained by law enforcement; or  You…

How long do you go to jail for Domestic Violence in Oklahoma?

The length of jail time for domestic violence in Oklahoma can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the severity of the offense. The maximum sentence for domestic abuse in Oklahoma is one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. The maximum range of punishment for felony…

What is the Statute of Limitations in Domestic Violence Cases

Is there a Statute of Limitations on Domestic Violence Allegations in Oklahoma? Yes, there is a statute of limitations on domestic violence allegations in Oklahoma. The purpose of statute of limitations is to protect individuals from being forced to defend against criminal allegations long after the fact when evidence that…

What are the Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Oklahoma?

Drug Trafficking is a serious offense in Oklahoma, like most states, and the punishment ranges for drug trafficking and aggravated drug trafficking are the most serious non-violent felony punishments under Oklahoma law. Most offenses in Oklahoma allow for probation and potentially a deferred sentence to avoid a conviction; however, drug…