How Can A Drug Charge Impact My Military Career?

Drug use often starts as a recreational activity and over time may become an addiction. Addiction is a powerful mental illness that alters the normal functioning of the brain and tricks it to believe it can’t function effectively in the absence of the abused substance. Free Resources from OKC Federal…

A flag waving above a military base.

What Happens If I’m Arrested for Drugs on A Military Base?

Being arrested is a scary and confusing process; however, it is only amplified when it happens on federal territory, including arrest for drug charges on a military base. When you are arrested on a military base you will face federal charges, as the state the military base is located in…

Military Justice Article 32 Hearing Standard Procedure and Script

Overview of Article 32 Hearing In order for military charges and specifications to be be referred to trial by General Court-Martial, the case and evidence must be considered by a Preliminary Hearing Officer in an Article 32 Preliminary Hearing prior to referral to the General Court-Martial. Uniform Code of Military…

AWOL spelled out in blocks.

Failure to Report for Duty in the Military

Failing to report for duty can carry serious consequences in the military, in fact, desertion during armed conflict can carry the ultimate punishment. It is highly important that if you are a member of the armed forces and you are required to be somewhere designated by the military that you…

Military law sign.

Military Justice Article 32 Preliminary Hearing: Military Criminal Defense

Overview of Article 32 Hearing Article 32 hearings are conducted by a preliminary hearing officer, Judge Advocate, that is responsible for considering all the evidence presented by the parties during the Article 32 hearing and evaluating that evidence compared to the charges and specifications preferred (brought) against the accused in…

Military police officer.


Losing your Security Clearance will cost you your job, income, and your reputation. When you need a security clearance to work, you can expect thorough background checks into almost every aspect of your life: any investigations you have been subject to or apart of, your financial habits, any history of…

Military law book.

Can I Appeal an Instillation Barment Letter from a Military Commander?

Yes, whether you received the notice in writing or were simply told that you are barred from an instillation, you have the ability to appeal or respond to an instillation barment letter. What is an Instillation barment letter? Military commanders have the responsibility and authority to limit and prohibit individuals…

Gavel in front of an American flag.

Installation Barment from Oklahoma Military Bases

What is an Instillation Barment? Barment is a tool used by an installation Commanding Officer (CO) to protect their military base. It gives them the ability to deny access, remove, or exclude a person from the base premises. In determining whether to bar an individual, the CO must be evenhanded,…