The best DUI lawyer understands no case is open and shut. Even when the evidence seems hopelessly stacked against you, a strategy can be developed to potentially reduce or even eliminate the charges. In other words, the only way to give yourself a fair fight is to contact an Oklahoma City DUI attorney – and the sooner you do so, the better.
Free Resources from OKC DUI Lawyers and Your Fierce Advocates®:
Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by our founder and Army veteran, John Cannon. We are privileged to defend clients facing OKC DUI charges, Edmond DUI charges, and DUI charges across Oklahoma. We also fight for client’s driving privileges following an Oklahoma DUI arrest. Find FREE RESOURCES on our YouTube page and our website, until we meet to answer your specific questions. You may also CALL NOW at (405) 972-8604, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week for a free case planning session!
9 Reasons It’s Worth Fighting a DUI in Oklahoma City (and Getting the Best DUI Lawyer to Do It)
1. A DUI Can Cost Your License and Freedom
Oklahoma has some of the nation’s strictest penalties for driving under the influence (DUI). A first offense conviction can lead to:
- Loss of your driver’s license
- Job loss if you can no longer drive to work or need a license to perform your duties
- Increased insurance payments
- Fines
- Ignition Interlock Device
- Jail time
- Difficult probation terms
Many people are surprised to learn just how harsh the punishments are and how aggressively prosecutors fight for the maximum penalties. The situation only becomes worse if you’re facing a second or third DUI arrest. But the best DUI lawyer will craft a legal strategy that protects your rights. If you don’t fight, your life, career, and family can be changed forever.
2. Breath Testing Is Subject to Many Errors
Once you’re pulled over and the officer administers a breath test to identify your blood alcohol level, it might feel like your case is already lost. But Oklahoma City breath testing is subject to many challenges that include:
- Outside environmental factors, such as radio frequency interference
- Improper Device handling by the Police
- Instrument Malfunction
- Calibration Errors
A breath test does not directly measure the alcohol that’s in your blood. It only measures the alcohol present in your breath and then uses that amount to identify your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As a result, breath testing can be highly susceptible to outside factors that produce a high – and inaccurate – BAC reading. The only way to determine this, however, is with a dedicated attorney who will closely review the evidence.
3. Physiological Conditions Can Skew Breath Test Results
The problem is that most breath testing instruments aren’t sophisticated enough to differentiate between ethyl alcohol – the kind that is consumed – and self-produced isopropyl alcohol. As a result, people with certain health conditions or strict diets can be wrongfully arrested for falsely high BAC results. These facts must be presented to the court as part of a comprehensive defense.
4. Blood Testing Is Not Necessarily Accurate
If your blood is tested to identify your BAC, it, too, can be altered by actions like:
- Contamination
- Improper storage of the blood sample
- Fermentation
The bottom line is that DUI blood testing does not yield foolproof results. Depending on the circumstances of your test, your defense attorney may be able to get your BAC results removed from evidence. Your charge must be dismissed if your BAC is suppressed.
5. A Component of Your Testing May Have Violated Title 47
6. The Officer Lacked Probable Cause
Suppressed Evidence
7. Your Symptoms Can Be Innocently Explained
- Allergies
- Fatigue
- Emotional distress
- Physical illness
These characteristics do not in and of themselves prove you were under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Trouble arises when police officers stop listening to people who try to offer reasonable and honest explanations. This is yet another reason why you need the best DUI lawyer on your side – he or she will listen to your story and be Your Fierce Advocate.
8. Field Sobriety Tests Have Limitations
Poor performance on a field sobriety test can be attributed to a number of factors that have nothing to do with alcohol or drugs. These include bad weather conditions, poor visibility in the light, and officer intimidation. Uneven surface conditions can additionally cause you to wobble or stumble, whether you’ve had a drink or not. Your DUI defense attorney will review the evidence and help get to the bottom of what happened in your case.
9. Imperfect Driving Can Often Be Explained
Free Resources from OKC DUI Lawyers and Your Fierce Advocates®:
Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by our founder and Army veteran, John Cannon. We are privileged to defend clients facing OKC DUI charges, Edmond DUI charges, and DUI charges across Oklahoma. We also fight for client’s driving privileges following an Oklahoma DUI arrest. Find FREE RESOURCES on our YouTube page and our website, until we meet to answer your specific questions. You may also CALL NOW at (405) 972-8604, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week for a free case planning session!
In those first few moments following an arrest, a DUI can seem impossible to overcome. But don’t let fear paralyze you. An experienced DUI defense attorney will pour over the evidence and seek the best possible outcome for you in your DUI case. That’s what we’re here to do: identify your story and build your case. We listen to clients and take the time necessary to safeguard their rights. Schedule your free case evaluation today by contacting Cannon & Associates.