Fighting Federal Drug Charges

Have you or a loved one been arrested for a federal drug charge? Are you concerned that the grand jury may be considering an indictment against you for federal drug charges? The first thing you need to do is speak to an Oklahoma federal criminal defense attorney with experiencing fighting…

Oklahoma DUI Jail Time, Will I Go to Jail for DUI?

Drunk driving charges across the United States attract strict penalties, including jail time. In Oklahoma, the chances of going to jail for a DUI offense depend on many factors, including the type of DUI charges against you, the quality of your legal representation, and the aggravating circumstances or mitigating circumstances…

Arrested for DUI in Oklahoma?

Follow These Steps to Avoid Jail Time A DUI arrest in Oklahoma can be scary, especially as Oklahoma has some of the strictest DUI laws in the United States. However, just because you were arrested doesn’t mean you don’t have rights. With the right Oklahoma City DUI lawyer, you can…

5 Ways to Avoid DUI this Fall

Fall is the perfect season to watch football and celebrate with family and friends. Schedules are filled with fun activities, tailgates, and parties. Some prefer to relax with friends, while others like to go out and party. However, one common thing is the desire to drink and socialize. Free Resources…

Should I accept Non-Judicial Punishment in my Air Force Investigation?

There are few decisions that have a greater impact on a service members’ career than the difficult decision of accepting or rejecting the opportunity for Non-Judicial Punishment related to an alleged offense. Non-Judicial Punishment affords a service member the opportunity to resolve an alleged infraction without facing criminal prosecution and…

Federal Crime written over USA.

Understanding Federal Criminal Defense

Many people think of anything related to the federal justice system as complicated and difficult to understand. When it comes to criminal offenses, for example, you shouldn’t only know what it means to commit a crime; you also need to understand the basis for criminal acts being prosecuted in federal…

A military man taking off his wedding ring.

What Happens When You Divorce in the Military?

Living military life can be hard, both for the service members and their loved ones. The sad reality is that military marriages are just as likely to end in divorce as civilian marriages. Some of these military divorces are caused by the months or years spent apart by the couples….