Will I Have to go to Jail for a Felony DUI in Oklahoma?

Will I Have to Go to Jail for Felony DUI in Oklahoma City? In Oklahoma City, being arrested and charged with a felony DUI does not necessary mean you will go to jail or prison. However, being charged with a felony DUI offense is far more serious than a misdemeanor…

A pencil erasing the past.

What are the Requirements for Expungement in Oklahoma?

What is an Expungement? An expungement is simply a tool that prevents the public from having access to court records and/or arrest records. In Oklahoma, an expungement does not erase your criminal record, rather it seals it from public access. When you obtain an expungement order from an Oklahoma district…

Man with his hands handcuffed needing to call a Oklahoma City criminal defense lawyer.

Myths of Arrest and Criminal Defense Lawyers

Myth 1: Hiring an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Makes You Look Guilty Many myths exist concerning being arrested for an alleged crime and hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Oklahoma City. The most common myth about criminal defense lawyers is hiring an experienced criminal lawyer makes you look guilty. This…

A gavel next to a bag of cocaine.

Do You Need a Drug Trafficking Defense Lawyer in Oklahoma City?

If you’ve been brought up on drug trafficking charges in Oklahoma City, you need a drug trafficking defense attorney that you can trust. Drug charges can be exceptionally serious, and you certainly should not take them lightly. Don’t try to navigate through the process on your own. Help is certainly…

A gavel, keys, and a glass of beer.

8 Reasons to Hire an Oklahoma City DUI Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Oklahoma City, then you’re likely wondering if you should consult an Oklahoma City DUI & DWI lawyer to take on your case. Taking on a charge like this in court is frightening when you’re alone and inexperienced with it, so hiring a…

How A Felony Conviction Can Affect Your Life

Felonies are the most serious criminal offenses you can commit, which means a conviction can change your life forever. Not only are you facing the possibility of a long prison sentence and steep fines, but also the permanent loss of certain freedoms. This is why anybody charged with a felony…