Will I Lose My Driver’s License after a DUI in Oklahoma?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can result in severe consequences for both your driving privileges and your personal life. In Oklahoma, a DUI can lead to the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, fines, and even jail time. It’s crucial to understand the potential consequences of a DUI and to take steps to protect your rights and driving privileges. 

Hiring an experienced OKC DUI attorney is the best way to protect your driving privileges and your freedom following a DUI in Oklahoma. A skilled Oklahoma DUI lawyer can provide valuable legal guidance and help you navigate the complex DUI process in Oklahoma. In this article, we’ll explore the various aspects of DUIs in Oklahoma and provide helpful tips to protect your interests and your driver’s license.

Resources: Facing OKC DUI Charges and Driver’s License Suspension in Oklahoma

Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by out founder, John Cannon. We are privileged to defend clients facing a DUI in Oklahoma City or DUI across the state of Oklahoma. We also fight for client’s driving privileges following a DUI arrest in Oklahoma. You can find resources on our YouTube page as well as other pages of our website.  

What Happens to your Driver’s License after a DUI in Oklahoma?

Do you lose your license after a DUI in Oklahoma?

After being arrested for a DUI in Oklahoma, you may face a suspension of your driver’s license. The suspension process involves two types of suspension: administrative and criminal.

Administrative license suspension occurs immediately after your arrest if you fail or refuse to take a breathalyzer test. This suspension is separate from any criminal proceedings and can last up to 180 days for a first-time offense.

Criminal license suspension occurs if you are convicted of a DUI in court. For a first-time DUI offense in Oklahoma, your license may be suspended for a minimum of six months up to a maximum of three years. The exact length of your suspension depends on the circumstances of your case, such as your blood alcohol content (BAC) level at the time of your arrest.

It’s important to note that you have a limited amount of time to request an administrative hearing to contest your license suspension. This is why it’s crucial to act quickly and hire an experienced Oklahoma City DUI lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process and potentially minimize the impact on your driving privileges.

What is Service Oklahoma in relation to my driver’s license?

Service Oklahoma is a new program by the State of Oklahoma that brings multiple state functions into one portal, including the previous Department of Public Safety (DPS) portal for driver’s license reinstatement, driver’s license suspension, and driver’s license revocation. The system may have changed, but the systemic problems with driver’s license issues following a DUI arrest in Oklahoma are still a problem. This is one instance where you do not want to face the government alone. Hiring an experienced OKC DUI attorney is your best course of action to defend your driver’s license following Service Oklahoma’s creation.

If your license has been suspended or revoked due to a DUI in Oklahoma, you may need to complete certain requirements, such as attending an alcohol education program or installing an ignition interlock device, before you can have your license reinstated. Service Oklahoma will require you to complete these requirements prior to allowing you to reinstate your driver’s license. 

It’s important to keep in mind that Service Oklahoma will not provide you legal advice or representation in your driver’s license process following a DUI in Oklahoma. Service Oklahoma is merely an enforcement entity that will not allow you to reinstate your license, unless you follow its strict mandates. However, when you work with an experienced DUI lawyer, the process is much smoother and we will assist you in ensuring you understand each of the requirements to fight for your license or reinstate your license through this new government office. For that reason, it’s essential to work with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI attorney who can provide legal guidance and representation throughout the driver’s license process.

How can I contest a driver’s license suspension through Service Oklahoma?

When you contact the DPS, they will provide you with a hearing date and time, as well as information on what you need to bring to the hearing. It’s crucial to prepare for the hearing thoroughly, as it may be your only opportunity to contest the suspension.

During the hearing, your DUI defense attorney will present evidence and arguments to challenge the suspension of your license. Your DUI defense attorney may cross-examine the officerwitnesses and present witnesses on your behalf.

If you are successful in challenging the suspension, your license will be reinstated. If you are not successful, your license will remain suspended, and you may need to complete certain requirements, such as attending an alcohol education program, before you can have your license reinstated.

It’s essential to work with an experienced DUI attorney who can help you prepare for the hearing and provide legal representation throughout the process. An attorney can help you understand the legal issues involved in your case, gather evidence, and present a compelling argument to challenge the suspension of your license.

How to appeal driver’s license suspension through Service Oklahoma?

You have the right to appeal the decision by Service Oklahoma / DPS by filing a district court appeal (DCA) through the Oklahoma District Court. An experienced OKC DUI lawyer will do all the work for you in filing a DCA; however, the process comes down to the following.

Your OKC DUI lawyer will need to provide a brief that explains the legal basis for your appeal and the reasons why the decision to suspend your license was incorrect. The District Court where you file your DCA following a DUI arrest will assign a judge to your DCA. You or your OKC DUI attorney will need to schedule a hearing date and provide Service Oklahoma / DPS with notice of the hearing date. 

Your DUI lawyer will present evidence and argument to the court to seek to have DPS’ decision to suspend your driver’s license overturned. Your driving privileges will be protected during the DUI driver’s license DCA process and you will keep your driving privileges, if your OKC DUI defense attorney can show the court that your rights were violated during the DUI arrest process. 

The appeals process can be complex, and it’s essential to work with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI attorney who can provide legal guidance and representation. An attorney can review the administrative record, identify legal issues that may support your appeal, and prepare a compelling argument for why the suspension of your license should be reversed.

It’s important to note that the appeals process can be time-consuming, and you may still be required to complete certain requirements, such as attending an alcohol education program or installing an ignition interlock device, while your appeal is pending. Your attorney can advise you on what steps you need to take to comply with the suspension and any requirements while your appeal is pending.

In summary, if you have had your driver’s license suspended due to a DUI in Oklahoma, it’s crucial to work with an experienced DUI attorney who can help you navigate the administrative and legal processes involved in challenging the suspension. Through Service Oklahoma, your DUI defense attorney can fight for your driver’s license and help you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

How do I prevent license suspension for a DUI in Oklahoma?

There are multiple steps you and your OKC DUI defense attorney can take to seek to protect your driver’s license, such as fighting your driver’s license suspension through a District Court Appeal, participate in DPS’ IDAP, or wait out the suspension. 

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Oklahoma, you may be wondering what steps you can take to prevent your driver’s license from being suspended. Fortunately, there are several options available to you.

Request a hearing: After your arrest, you have the right to file for a District Court Appeal. At this hearing, you or your attorney can challenge the suspension of your license and present evidence to support your case.

Install an ignition interlock device: In some cases, you may be eligible to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle instead of having your license suspended. This device requires you to pass a breathalyzer test before your vehicle can start, which can help prevent future incidents of driving under the influence.

Attend alcohol education classes: In some cases, attending an alcohol education program may be an option to avoid license suspension. These classes aim to help individuals better understand the dangers of drinking and driving and reduce the likelihood of future incidents.

Hire an experienced DUI attorney: Working with a skilled Oklahoma City DUI attorney can help you explore your legal options and determine the best course of action for your case and your specific situation. An attorney can help you navigate the administrative and legal processes involved in your case and provide you with the guidance and support you need to avoid license suspension.

In summary, if you’re facing a DUI charge in Oklahoma, there are several steps you can take to prevent your driver’s license from being suspended. Requesting a hearing, installing an ignition interlock device, attending alcohol education classes, and working with an experienced DUI attorney are all options to consider. By taking proactive steps and seeking legal guidance, you can increase your chances of achieving a positive outcome for your case.

How long does a DUI stay on your driving record in Oklahoma?

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in Oklahoma, you may be wondering how long the conviction will stay on your driving record. In Oklahoma, a DUI conviction will remain on your driving record for at least 10 years from the date of the conviction. However, if you are able to avoid a conviction by working with an experienced OKC DUI attorney, you may avoid the consequences of a DUI conviction all together.

Having a DUI on your driving record can have several consequences, including increased insurance rates and difficulty finding employment that requires driving. Additionally, if you’re charged with another DUI in the future, having a previous conviction on your record can result in more severe penalties.

It’s important to note that a DUI conviction can also have long-term impacts on your criminal record and personal life. In some cases, a DUI conviction can result in the loss of professional licenses or difficulty obtaining certain jobs.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, it’s important to work with an experienced DUI defense attorney to explore your legal options and determine the best course of action for your case. An attorney can help you navigate the complex legal system and work to minimize the potential consequences of a DUI conviction on your record.

How do you get around while your license is suspended?

If your driver’s license has been suspended due to a DUI conviction in Oklahoma, you may be wondering how you will get around during the suspension period. Fortunately, there are several alternative transportation options available to you.

One option that many people exercise and assume the risk is to drive without a driver’s license. We do not recommend you pursue this course; however, if you do and you are stopped by police for any traffic violation, you may have additional consequences, such as a criminal misdemeanor of driving under suspension or an extension of your existing driver’s license suspension.

One option is to use public transportation, such as buses or trains. Many cities in Oklahoma have public transportation systems that can be a reliable and affordable way to get around. Another option is to use ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft, which can provide on-demand transportation when and where you need it.

If public transportation or ride-sharing services are not feasible options for you, you may be able to get a hardship license. A hardship license allows you to drive to certain approved locations, such as work, school, or medical appointments, during your license suspension period. To obtain a hardship license, you will need to apply through the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety.

While a license suspension can be inconvenient, it’s important to remember that driving with a suspended license can result in further legal consequences. It’s essential to explore alternative transportation options and make arrangements for getting around during your suspension period.

How do I get a hardship license in Oklahoma?

If your driver’s license has been suspended due to a DUI offense, you may be eligible for a hardship license in Oklahoma. A hardship license allows you to drive to work, school, and other essential activities during your license suspension period. To obtain a hardship license, you must meet certain requirements and follow the application process.

To qualify for a hardship license in Oklahoma, you must provide proof of the following:

  • Your driver’s license is suspended, and you are not eligible for a regular license.
  • You need a driver’s license to maintain your employment or perform necessary household duties.
  • You have not been convicted of a drug or alcohol-related offense in the past five years.
  • You have not previously been granted a hardship license within the past five years.
  • If you meet these requirements, you can apply for a hardship license through the Department of Public Safety. You will need to provide documentation of your employment or household duties, such as a letter from your employer or a statement from your doctor. You will also need to pay a fee for the hardship license.

What Costs are involved with your Driver’s License after a DUI?

How much does it cost to Reinstate your Driver’s License in Oklahoma?

If your driver’s license has been suspended due to a DUI conviction in Oklahoma, you may be wondering how much it will cost to reinstate your license after the suspension period is over. The cost of license reinstatement in Oklahoma varies based on several factors. However, most of the following fees can be avoided, if you and your OKC DUI lawyer are successful in winning your driver’s license appeal against DPS.

First, there are fees associated with reinstating your license. These fees can include a reinstatement fee, an administrative fee, and any applicable license renewal fees. The reinstatement fee alone is currently $75 in Oklahoma.

You will have costs associated with the required course of action for reinstatement of your driver’s license in Oklahoma, if you do not fight and win your driver’s license appeal against DPS. The costs associated with reinstatement include an ignition interlock device and classes associated with alcohol and substance abuse awareness that DPS requires for reinstatement of your driver’s license. 

In addition to the reinstatement fees, you may also experience an increase in your insurance rates. A DUI conviction can cause your insurance rates to go up significantly, and the effects can last for several years. It’s important to factor in these potential insurance rate increases when budgeting for the cost of unsuspending your license.

Overall, the cost of unsuspending your license in Oklahoma can be significant. However, it’s important to remember that driving with a suspended license can result in further legal consequences and potentially more expensive fines and fees. It’s essential to explore alternative transportation options and make arrangements for getting around during your suspension period to avoid additional legal troubles.

How much does it cost to Reinstate your Driver’s License in Oklahoma after a DUI?

Explanation of the costs associated with reinstating your license after a suspension period, including fees and potential insurance rate increases. After a driver’s license suspension period in Oklahoma, there are several costs associated with reinstating your license. The specific fees you’ll need to pay will depend on the circumstances of your suspension, but there are a few common expenses to keep in mind.

First, there is a reinstatement fee of $75 as of 2023 that you’ll need to pay to the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety (DPS), which may increase if you have other suspensions or revocations on your driving record.

In addition to the reinstatement fee, you may also need to pay fees for any required classes or assessments. For example, if you are required to complete an alcohol or drug education program, you’ll need to pay the program fees out of pocket. Similarly, if you are required to install an ignition interlock device, you’ll need to pay for the installation and monthly monitoring fees.

It’s also important to note that a DUI conviction can lead to increased insurance rates. Once your license is reinstated, you may see an increase in your insurance premiums, which can be a significant ongoing cost.

Overall, the costs of reinstating your license after a suspension can add up quickly. If you’re facing a license suspension, it’s important to work with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI attorney who can help you understand the costs involved and explore potential strategies for minimizing them.

Driver’s License Reinstatement following DUI in Oklahoma

How do I get my license reinstated in Oklahoma?

If your driver’s license has been suspended or revoked due to a DUI, you will need to go through the reinstatement process or fight for your license to get your driving privileges back. The process can vary depending on the reason for your suspension or revocation, but generally involves:

  • Completing any required drug and alcohol education or treatment programs.
  • Paying all outstanding fines and fees.
  • Providing proof of insurance.
  • Passing a written and/or driving test.
  • Appearing in person at a Department of Public Safety (DPS) location.

It is important to note that if your license was revoked due to a DUI, you may need to wait a certain period of time before you are eligible to apply for reinstatement. The length of the waiting period can vary depending on the circumstances of your case. It is recommended to consult with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI attorney to guide you through the reinstatement process and ensure that you meet all requirements to get your license back.

Where do I go to reinstate my license in Oklahoma?

To reinstate your driver’s license in Oklahoma, you need to go to the Service Oklahoma portal mentioned above or contact the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. Make sure to bring all necessary documentation and payment for any fees associated with reinstatement.

How do I get restrictions off my license in Oklahoma?

To remove restrictions from your driver’s license in Oklahoma, you need to go to the Service Oklahoma portal and complete the requirements listed there or contact DPS and provide any required documentation or proof of completion of any required courses or programs. The specific process for removing restrictions may vary depending on the type of restriction.

Can I check my driver’s license status online in Oklahoma?

Yes, you can check your driver’s license status online in Oklahoma by visiting the DPS website and entering your driver’s license number or personal information. The online system will provide information on your license status, including any current suspensions or restrictions.

Commercial Driver’s License and DUI in Oklahoma

How long after a DUI can you get a CDL in Oklahoma?

Before answering the question of how long after a DUI can you get a CDL in Oklahoma, it is important to note that if you and your OKC DUI lawyer are able to win your driver’s license case against DPS the following information does not apply to you. Additionally, if you and your OKC DUI attorney can avoid a conviction on your DUI then you may avoid loss of your CDL as well. 

If you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and are convicted of a DUI in Oklahoma, you will face serious consequences. You will be disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle for at least one year for a first-time offense, and three years if you were transporting hazardous materials at the time of your arrest. It’s important to note that this is in addition to any license suspension or revocation you may face.

After completing the period of disqualification, you must apply for reinstatement of your CDL. This process typically involves completing a substance abuse evaluation, a treatment program if required, and passing a knowledge and skills test. The waiting period before you can apply for reinstatement varies depending on the severity of the offense and other factors.

Can I get a CDL with 2 DUIs in Oklahoma?

If you have two or more DUI convictions, you will be permanently disqualified from obtaining a CDL in Oklahoma. This is true regardless of whether the offenses occurred while you were driving a commercial vehicle or your personal vehicle. It’s important to note that a DUI conviction in another state may also disqualify you from obtaining a CDL in Oklahoma. If you are facing a CDL disqualification, it’s important to consult with an experienced OKC DUI defense attorney who can help you understand your options and work to minimize the impact on your career.

FAQ DUI in Oklahoma

Is a DUI worse than a DWI in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, DUI stands for “driving under the influence,” while DWI stands for “driving while intoxicated.” Despite the different terminology, the two offenses carry the same penalties and are used interchangeably in Oklahoma. Both DUI and DWI are considered serious criminal offenses that can result in steep fines, jail time, and a suspended driver’s license. DUI and DWI offenses are the most serious, non-felony, offenses in Oklahoma and a subsequence offense may result in a felony charge for the same conduct.

The concept that a second “misdemeanor” DUI offense in Oklahoma is charged as a felony offense is the predicate offense system. In Oklahoma, some misdemeanors, namely DUI and domestic violence, are charged as felony offenses, which carry much heavier penalties for subsequent offenses. Felony DUI cases are very serious and the best way to avoid jail or a felony conviction is to work with an experienced OKC DUI lawyer to help you find your way through the case. 

Can you drive until your DUI court date?

After being arrested for a DUI in Oklahoma, your license will be administratively suspended by the Department of Public Safety, unless you fight your license suspension through the District Court Appeal process or participate in DPS’ IDAP. However, in most cases, you will be issued a temporary driving permit that allows you to drive for 30 days from the date of the arrest. It’s important to note that this permit is only valid for driving to work, school, or to meet with your attorney or attend court-ordered appointments.

What happens when you get a DUI for the first time in Oklahoma?

It is important to understand the potential consequences and legal process ahead, if you’ve been charged with a DUI for the first time in Oklahoma. As mentioned above, first-time DUI offenses are considered a misdemeanor, unless great bodily injury or death occurred as a result of the DUI. In Oklahoma, you will risk both criminal and administrative penalties after a first-time DUI.

Criminal penalties for a first-time DUI offense can include fines, probation, community service, and even jail time. The specific penalties will vary depending on the circumstances of your case, such as your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of arrest and whether there were any aggravating factors, such as injury or property damage. Again, working with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI defense attorney is the most important first step to avoiding negative consequences with your DUI case.

In addition to criminal penalties, you may also face administrative penalties, such as license suspension or revocation. In Oklahoma, the length of license suspension for a first-time DUI offense can range from six months to three years. Again, you can potentially avoid this negative consequence if you fight your driver’s license suspension with an Oklahoma DUI lawyer.

If you’ve been charged with a DUI for the first time in Oklahoma, it’s important to work with an experienced Oklahoma City DUI lawyer to represent you in court. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process, defend your rights, and work to minimize the potential consequences of a DUI conviction. With the help of a skilled attorney, you may be able to have your charges reduced or even dismissed altogether.

What happens if you get a DUI in Oklahoma?

If you are convicted of a DUI offense in Oklahoma, you may face both criminal and administrative penalties. The severity of the penalties depends on several factors, including your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level, the number of prior DUI convictions, and whether any accidents or injuries occurred as a result of the DUI.

Criminal penalties for a DUI offense in Oklahoma can include:

  • Fines
  • Jail time
  • Community service
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Ignition interlock device installation

Administrative penalties for a DUI offense in Oklahoma can include:

  • License suspension or revocation
  • Driver’s license reinstatement fees
  • Required substance abuse treatment
  • Ignition interlock device installation

What Long-Term Consequences come from a DUI in Oklahoma?

In addition to these penalties, a DUI conviction in Oklahoma can have long-term consequences, such as higher insurance rates and difficulty obtaining employment. If you are facing DUI charges in Oklahoma, it is important to contact an experienced DUI defense attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and defend against the charges.

In Oklahoma, both DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) refer to the crime of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. However, the terms have slightly different legal meanings and can carry different penalties.

In Oklahoma, a DUI refers to operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher. A DUI is generally considered a less severe offense than a DWI, and the penalties for a first-time DUI offense may include a fine, community service, license suspension, and attendance at an alcohol and drug assessment program. However, the penalties for repeat DUI offenses can increase substantially.

Is a DUI more serious than other misdemeanors in Oklahoma?

On the other hand, a DWI in Oklahoma is generally considered to be a more serious offense. A DWI refers to operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other intoxicating substance. This can include prescription medications or even over-the-counter drugs if they impair a driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. The penalties for a first-time DWI offense in Oklahoma can include higher fines, longer license suspensions, and mandatory attendance at substance abuse treatment programs. Repeat offenses can lead to even harsher penalties, including possible jail time.

In summary, while both DUI and DWI offenses can result in serious consequences, a DWI is generally considered to be a more severe offense than a DUI in Oklahoma. It is important to consult with an experienced DUI defense attorney if you are facing charges for either offense.


If you are facing Oklahoma drug charges, it is important to work with an experienced Oklahoma City drug lawyer and criminal defense attorney. When you take a strategic approach to your case, you increase your chances of obtaining the best outcome for you and your interests. 

Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates are dedicated to answering your questions and preparing you for whatever lies ahead in your Oklahoma City DUI case. We take pride in assisting clients through the difficult road of facing the criminal justice system and the separate issues associated with your driver’s license following a DUI in Oklahoma.

CALL NOW 405-591-3935 for your free confidential case strategy session to help you understand your options in your Oklahoma City DUI case and Oklahoma driver’s license process following a DUI.