A sign near books saying driving while intoxicated.

7 Consequences of DUI Conviction in Oklahoma

How Can I Keep a DUI from Ruining my Life? The DUI criminal defense attorneys at Cannon & Associates are Fierce Advocates for those facing the fear of losing their future or freedom based on a DUI conviction. We have fought for and successfully defended many clients facing DUI cases…

Lady justice holding scales.

What Happens When You are Accused of a Federal Crime?

If you have been accused of a federal crime, it is normal to feel like the world is crashing down on you. However, beating yourself up won’t solve a thing. A good way to approach this situation is to become familiar with what is to come and how to handle…

Divorce word cloud.

7 Tips to Protect Yourself Financially in Divorce in Oklahoma

Divorce cases can be messy, however, one of the areas many people aren’t prepared for is the financial disaster that comes from making bad decisions during an Oklahoma divorce. The movies may have glammed divorce up but people with real-life experiences know how financially tough the process can be when…

How Can A Drug Charge Impact My Military Career?

Drug use often starts as a recreational activity and over time may become an addiction. Addiction is a powerful mental illness that alters the normal functioning of the brain and tricks it to believe it can’t function effectively in the absence of the abused substance. Free Resources from OKC Federal…

Mug of beer next to lady justice.

DUI Criminal Case v DPS Civil Case

An important point to realize at the beginning of facing a DUI allegation in Oklahoma is that you are facing two separate cases or legal actions: criminal charge for driving under the influence of alcohol or driving under the influence of drugs and a civil action concerning your driver’s license…

Retirement documents.

Protecting Assets in Oklahoma Divorce

Divorce can be messy. In most cases, each of the parties involved wants to leave with as much as they can. This mindset can cause a lot of back and forth which ultimately slows down the progress of the case. One of the major areas of contention in divorce cases…

Glass of beer, keys, and handcuffs.

7 Ways Your DUI Defense Lawyer Can Help Secure a Reduced Penalty

If you’ve been stopped on suspicion of DUI, you know how scary the situation can be. There’s dealing with the police, attempting a field sobriety test on the side of the road, and the ensuing stress and uncertainty—oh, and don’t forget about the jail time, either. While there’s never a good…