Driver License Division.

Can I Challenge the DPS Interlock Requirement

Can I Challenge the DPS Interlock Requirement? Yes, you are able to challenge the DPS Interlock requirement in Oklahoma; however, you should ready the following important information prior to making a decision to challenge the DPS Interlock requirement. Anyone arrested by law enforcement for a DUI or Actual Physical Control…

Divorce written on a highway road.

Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma

What is an Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma? Divorce or dissolution of marriage is never an easy experience for those involved; however, an uncontested divorce in Oklahoma is a faster and less stressful process than the average divorce. Divorce is commonly considered one of the most difficult experiences a person will…

A man and woman fighting.

What To Do Before Filing For Divorce In Oklahoma

Relationships are like establishing a business. Not all relationships survive. Sometimes, even the sweetest marriages can fail and lead to a divorce. However, if your marriage is heading this way, the least you could do is to protect yourself in preparation for the stress that is to come. Knowing what…

Broken heart in sniper crosshairs.

9 Reasons to Hire Experienced Military Divorce Lawyers

If you are a military service member or married to one, you’re likely facing some difficult decisions if divorce is on the table. You may think legal counsel isn’t necessary, but you may also wonder who will protect your rights. We recommend you speak to military divorce lawyers in Oklahoma…

Police car lights.

What Happens When You Get A DUI for The First-Time in Oklahoma?

First-time DUI offenders in many states across the United States see this offense as one that should earn them a slap on the wrist at most. However, for Oklahoma residents, the reality is starkly different. It is not uncommon for first-time DUI offenders in Oklahoma to serve jail time, however,…

A flag waving above a military base.

What Happens If I’m Arrested for Drugs on A Military Base?

Being arrested is a scary and confusing process; however, it is only amplified when it happens on federal territory, including arrest for drug charges on a military base. When you are arrested on a military base you will face federal charges, as the state the military base is located in…

A gavel next to two rings.

How to Choose a Military Divorce Attorney

When you’re in the military and facing a divorce, you have a unique set of circumstances that need to be carefully handled to ensure your rights as a military member are understood and heeded. Choosing a military divorce attorney who is experienced in the complexities of military family law will…

4 Ways To Save Your Retirement In Divorce

Sometimes, forever may last only a few years in marriage. When couples start to consider the topic of divorce, for any reason at all, it may signify the end of their “happily ever after” together. Divorce can be one of the most painful and most difficult situations you will ever…