9 Essential Steps in Your Pre-Divorce Planning
Evaluating divorce or another option in your marriage is emotionally taxing. It is emotionally draining, yet a freeing experience as well when you come to the realization that you do in fact want a divorce. The steps in this article are essential in your pre-divorce planning process. Now is the…
10 Ways to Stay Connected to Kids after Divorce in Oklahoma
10 Ways to Stay Connected to Kids after Divorce in Oklahoma In most cases, people only consider the effect of a divorce on the couple. However, the children and the effect of the decision on them are just as important. Divorce affects children in a lot of ways. It can…
Financial Considerations in a High Net Worth Divorce
Divorce is very rarely a simple process. And while divorce rates have been falling in recent years, reports reveal that the COVID-19 crisis triggered a near 21% increase in divorce agreements this past year. Divorce proceedings are a difficult and complicated process, regardless of the couple’s situation. However, one of the most…
Divorce Discovery Process and Tools of Discovery
Oklahoma Divorce Discovery Process Divorces are a type of civil lawsuit; therefore, the general guidance/rules of civil procedure apply to divorce cases in Oklahoma. This is important to keep in mind, as having the right legal team in your divorce can assist you in capitalizing on the rules of civil…
6 Things to Do After Being Served with Divorce Petition in Oklahoma
No one plans to go through divorce. Even when things are not going well in your marriage, it is always a shock to be served with a petition for divorce. Being served with a divorce petition is probably something you never thought would happen to you, however, when you get…
Oklahoma Divorce Protecting Your Finances
Divorce cases in Oklahoma can be stressful and complex. An area that most people facing divorce fail to prepare for is the financial aspects of divorce. You can face financial ruin if you or your spouse make bad financial decisions during a divorce. The movies may have glammed divorce up…
7 Tips to Protect Yourself Financially in Divorce in Oklahoma
Divorce cases can be messy, however, one of the areas many people aren’t prepared for is the financial disaster that comes from making bad decisions during an Oklahoma divorce. The movies may have glammed divorce up but people with real-life experiences know how financially tough the process can be when…
Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma
What is an Uncontested Divorce in Oklahoma? Divorce or dissolution of marriage is never an easy experience for those involved; however, an uncontested divorce in Oklahoma is a faster and less stressful process than the average divorce. Divorce is commonly considered one of the most difficult experiences a person will…