Lori LevinCase Manager

Lori Levin

Case Manager

(405) 657-2323

Lori Levin has over a decade of experience in the legal field. She began her career as a legal assistant at a mid-sized firm, where she quickly demonstrated her strong attention to detail and ability
to manage multiple tasks efficiently. Over the years, she has specialized in family law, assisting attorneys with cases related to divorce, child custody, adoption, and other family-related legal matters. Her expertise in this area has made her an invaluable asset to both her colleagues and the clients she serves.

Outside of work, Lori is an avid reader and enjoys writing. She loves diving into a good book and exploring different genres. In her free time, she also channels her creativity into crafting her own stories, aiming to one day publish her work and share her imagination with the world.
Lori was born and raised in Norman, Oklahoma and comes from a very close family. Her mother, who has always been supportive of her dreams and goals, instilled in her the values of hard work,
perseverance, and integrity. She is happily married and, with her three children now grown, has two dogs and two cats.

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