What Are the 12 Grounds for Divorce in Oklahoma?

A woman taking off her wedding ring.

When considering divorce in Oklahoma, you must understand the 12 legal grounds that the law permits for ending a marriage. These grounds encompass various aspects, including abandonment, adultery, impotence, imprisonment, cruelty, and more. Understanding these legal grounds is crucial for making informed decisions as you navigate the Oklahoma divorce process.

At Cannon & Associates, our experienced divorce attorneys specifically handle cases related to family law, providing comprehensive guidance on the legal grounds for divorce in Oklahoma. We can help you understand your rights, traverse the legal system, and ensure that your case is approached with experience and care.

If you are considering divorce, it’s essential to be informed about the legal grounds that may apply to your situation. Reach out to Cannon & Associates for personalized assistance tailored to your unique circumstances. Act now to protect your rights and secure the guidance you need during this challenging time. Call us at 405-591-3935 for a free consultation, your future deserves high-quality legal support.

Exploring the Legal Grounds for Divorce in Oklahoma

Did you know that Oklahoma law recognizes 12 grounds for divorce? Each of these grounds has specific legal requirements and implications, which can affect the outcome of your divorce case. For instance, a divorce granted on the grounds of adultery may have different consequences than one based on abandonment or a fraudulent marriage contract.

The 12 grounds for divorce in Oklahoma include:

  1. Abandonment: One spouse must have abandoned the other for at least a year.
  2. Adultery: Infidelity or extramarital affairs.
  3. Impotence: The inability to consummate the marriage.
  4. Extreme Cruelty: Physical or emotional abuse that makes living together unbearable.
  5. Fraudulent Contract: Marriage based on fraud or misrepresentation.
  6. Incompatibility: No-fault grounds, indicating that the couple cannot get along.
  7. Habitual Drunkenness: Excessive alcohol consumption impacting the marriage.
  8. Gross Neglect of Duty: Failure to fulfill marital obligations.
  9. Felony Imprisonment: One spouse is sentenced to imprisonment for a felony.
  10. Separation: Living separate and apart without cohabitation for a specified time.
  11. Insanity: Mental illness requiring confinement for at least five years.
  12. Bigamy: One spouse enters into a marriage while already legally married.

Note that the legal guidelines may change, so it’s crucial to consult with a family law attorney from Cannon & Associates for the most up-to-date information and advice tailored to your specific situation.

Grasping these divorce grounds in Oklahoma is vital because they lay the groundwork for your divorce petition. It not only dictates the path your divorce proceeding will take but also influences the final divorce decree, which can have a lifelong impact on aspects such as child custody, marital property distribution, and alimony. Hence, gaining a deep understanding of these legal grounds and their consequences is necessary for making informed decisions.

1. Abandonment and Its Consequences

Abandonment is accepted as a legitimate ground for divorce in Oklahoma if one spouse deserts the other without sufficient justification for at least one year. Abandonment can significantly influence child custody, visitation rights, and spousal support determinations. The court always prioritizes the well-being of children and equitable support for the abandoned spouse.

Abandonment could also impact the division of property. Misconduct and dissipation of assets might sway the court’s decision, potentially resulting in an unequal distribution of marital assets to ensure fairness. Yet, in an uncontested divorce, when all terms are agreed upon by both parties, the property division may be more streamlined and friendly.

2. Adultery as a Basis for Divorce

In Oklahoma, adultery can serve as a reason for divorce. However, it’s not as straightforward as one might think. Proving adultery requires substantial evidence, such as proof of a spouse’s infidelity within 30 days of filing for divorce. If proven, it can have significant implications on the divorce outcome, especially in terms of asset division, spousal support, and child custody arrangements.

Nonetheless, it should be kept in mind that adultery usually doesn’t directly affect the divorce settlement. The court only considers adultery if it has resulted in financial repercussions for the spouse or children. In no-fault divorces, where incompatibility is cited, the impact of adultery on the settlement may be limited.

3. Impotence: The Inability to Consummate the Marriage

Impotence as a ground for divorce refers to the inability of one spouse to engage in sexual intercourse, which is a fundamental aspect of marriage. In Oklahoma, this condition must be incurable and existent at the time of the marriage to serve as a valid ground for divorce. The party claiming impotence as a reason for divorce must provide sufficient proof, and the condition must be medically diagnosed.

4. Extreme Cruelty: Physical or Emotional Abuse

Extreme cruelty encompasses acts of physical violence or emotional abuse that render the marital relationship unbearable for the victim’s spouse. This includes any form of abuse that poses a threat to the safety, health, or mental well-being of the partner. In Oklahoma, victims of such cruelty have the right to file for divorce, and evidence including medical records, testimonies, and documented instances of abuse can be used to substantiate these claims.

5. Fraudulent Marriage Contract: A Rare But Serious Claim

Although infrequent, fraudulent marriage contracts, which can be considered a type of fraudulent contract, can carry major consequences in Oklahoma divorces. Such contracts denote that a spouse entered into the marriage under deceptive circumstances. Examples of deception can include fraudulent misrepresentation or marrying solely to avoid something. If proven, it could significantly influence the divorce result, especially regarding property division, spousal support, and child custody.

Initiating a divorce based on a fraudulent marriage contract involves:

  • Identifying this as one of the fault-based reasons for seeking a divorce
  • Evaluating the actions carried out by a party to the contract to prove fraudulent intent
  • Gathering evidence of deceptive actions or actions identified as fraudulent by law

Note that proving fraudulent intent may be necessary to proceed with the divorce.

6. Incompatibility: The No-Fault Divorce Ground

Incompatibility is the most commonly cited ground for no-fault divorce in Oklahoma. It implies that the spouses can no longer get along, and there is no reasonable expectation for reconciliation. Unlike fault-based grounds, incompatibility does not require proof of wrongdoing by either party. This ground simplifies the divorce process by allowing couples to dissolve their marriage without the need to establish fault.

7. Habitual Drunkenness: Impacting Marital Life

Habitual drunkenness refers to the repeated overconsumption of alcohol by one spouse to the extent that it interferes with the couple’s married life and responsibilities. To file for divorce on this ground, the affected spouse must demonstrate that the drinking is persistent and has a detrimental impact on the marriage, including financial strain or emotional distress.

8. Gross Neglect of Duty: Marital Obligations Unmet

Gross neglect of duty occurs when one spouse fails to provide for the basic needs of the other or fulfill their marital responsibilities. This may include neglecting financial obligations, child care, or other duties inherent to the marital partnership. In Oklahoma, this ground for divorce recognizes the importance of these obligations and the impact their neglect can have on a marriage.

9. Felony Imprisonment: When a Spouse is Convicted of a Felony

Imprisonment as a ground for divorce applies when one spouse is convicted of a felony and sentenced to imprisonment and is in a federal penal institution or a similar imprisonment situation. The incarceration of a spouse can create insurmountable challenges for the marital relationship, and the law in Oklahoma acknowledges this by allowing it as a valid reason for divorce.

10. Separation: A Physical and Legal Distance

Separation is recognized as a ground for divorce when the spouses have lived separately and apart without cohabitation for a significant period. In Oklahoma, the required duration of separation is stipulated by law and must be met before a divorce can be granted on this basis.

11. Insanity: Mental Illness and Confinement

Insanity as a ground for divorce is applicable when one spouse has suffered from mental illness and has been confined to an institution for a continuous period, typically at least five years. In Oklahoma, medical evidence and certification of the condition are necessary to pursue a divorce on the grounds of insanity.

12. Bigamy: The Legal Prohibition of Multiple Marriages

Bigamy occurs when one spouse is already legally married to another person at the time of the subsequent marriage. In Oklahoma, entering into a marriage while still being married to someone else is illegal and serves as a legitimate ground for divorce, as well as potential criminal charges against the offending spouse.

No-Fault Divorces

In Oklahoma, couples can also opt for a no-fault divorce, which is characterized by the couple declaring that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no reasonable prospect of reconciliation. Incompatibility is acknowledged as a satisfactory basis for no-fault grounds in the state, eliminating the need to prove fault.

A no-fault divorce streamlines the divorce process, enabling couples to end their marriage without proving fault. This streamlined approach reduces contention and can expedite the process, making it a preferred choice for many couples. It is worth mentioning, however, that while no-fault divorces make the process easier, they might restrict the opportunity to put forth evidence to prove fault, potentially affecting the settlement of divorce-related issues.

The Impact of Fault on Divorce Outcomes

Even though Oklahoma functions as a ‘no fault’ divorce state, proving fault can still have consequences on divorce outcomes. Fault grounds like abandonment, adultery, impotence, extreme cruelty, habitual drunkenness, and fraudulent behavior can be cited for a fault-based divorce. However, they may not substantially influence divorce conclusions such as child custody, alimony, and property division.

For instance, adultery can serve as grounds for divorce, but its direct influence on alimony is limited. Courts will only take adulterous behavior into account if it has affected the spouse’s financial capacity to support themselves or their children. Similarly, a fraudulent marriage contract could potentially influence property division, spousal support, and child custody in the event of a divorce, with the deceived spouse potentially arguing for more favorable terms.

Residency Requirements and Filing Protocols

Before initiating a divorce in Oklahoma, it’s important to be familiar with the residency requirements and filing procedures. Oklahoma law requires one of the spouses to have maintained residency in the state for a minimum of six months. Additionally, the divorce petition must be presented to the county where one of the spouses has resided for at least 30 days.

Once these residency prerequisites are met, the divorce process can be initiated by filing the necessary documents with the court. It’s important to remember that if children are involved, a mandatory 90-day waiting period applies from the date of filing the petition before a final order can be obtained.

The Role of Child Custody in Divorce Cases

Child custody plays a pivotal role in divorce proceedings. When determining child custody in divorce cases, Oklahoma courts take into account various factors, including:

  • The child’s wishes
  • The willingness of the parents to cooperate
  • The ability of each parent to meet the child’s physical and emotional needs
  • Parental stability

There are several types of child custody arrangements available in Oklahoma after a divorce, including:

  • Legal Custody: This is the right to make important decisions about the child’s upbringing, including education, health care, and religious instruction.
  • Physical Custody: Refers to the child living primarily with one parent who provides day-to-day care.
  • Joint Custody: Both parents share legal and/or physical custody of the child, making decisions together and splitting time spent with the child.
  • Sole Custody: One parent has both legal and physical custody, often due to the other parent’s unfitness or absence.
  • Split Custody: Each parent has full custody of one or more of their children, dividing the siblings between them.
  • ‘Birdnesting’: The children remain in one home while the parents rotate in and out according to a schedule, maintaining stability for the children.

Each custody arrangement carries its implications and obligations, making it crucial to understand them when navigating the divorce process.

Addressing Alimony and Maintenance Issues

Issues related to alimony, child support, and maintenance are significant factors to consider in any divorce case. In Oklahoma, the court takes into consideration the recipient’s needs arising from the marriage and the paying spouse’s ability to provide support when determining alimony.

The duration of the marriage significantly influences the determination of alimony awards. Typically, the length of alimony payments is correlated to the length of the marriage. However, potential maintenance issues could arise, such as the establishment of spousal maintenance payments as part of temporary orders, which end once the divorce is complete.

Property Division of Marital Assets and Debts

In a divorce, property division entails managing marital assets and liabilities. According to Oklahoma law, marital property encompasses all property obtained by either spouse during the marriage, regardless of its title or ownership. On the other hand, separate property pertains to property acquired by a spouse before the marriage, through inheritance, or as a gift, and is exempt from division in a divorce.

In Oklahoma, the division of assets in a divorce is guided by the principle of equitable distribution. This entails the court dividing the marital property in a manner that is deemed fair and just, although not necessarily equal. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how Oklahoma law treats marital and separate property when navigating property division in a divorce.

Cannon & Associates can provide invaluable assistance during this process. Our experienced family law attorneys understand the divorce laws and intricacies of property division in Oklahoma divorces. We can guide you through the legal nuances, ensuring that your rights are protected and that the division of assets is approached with fairness. Whether it’s determining the classification of property, assessing its value, or advocating for your interests in court, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive support.

Understanding the Divorce Decree and Finalization

Issuing the divorce decree marks the final step in the divorce process. This decree holds significance as it officially signifies the termination of the marriage and outlines the future obligations that both parties are legally bound to adhere to.

Following the issuance of a divorce decree, it formally records the judge’s decisions derived from the testimony and evidence presented during court proceedings. The divorce is deemed final on the day the court signs the decree, and the parties involved typically receive the decree within a few days thereafter.

How Cannon & Associates Can Assist You Through Your Divorce

Understanding the legal grounds for divorce in Oklahoma, whether it’s a no-fault or fault-based divorce, plays a crucial role in the divorce process. It’s important to understand the implications of each ground, as they can significantly impact the divorce resolution, particularly in terms of child custody, alimony, and property division.

Understanding the residency requirements and filing protocols, the role of child custody, and addressing alimony and maintenance issues can simplify the complex process of divorce. Remember that you’re not alone. Guidance, like that provided by Cannon & Associates, can ensure your rights are protected and your future well-being is considered as you go through this challenging journey.

At Cannon & Associates law firm, we acknowledge that going through a divorce is a journey filled with emotional and legal intricacies. With our guidance, we help our clients through this difficult process, ensuring their rights are protected and their future well-being is considered.

Beyond legal advice, we provide legal aid services and further support through our dedicated Client Care Coordinator, assisting clients with non-legal challenges they may encounter after their case, including attending important meetings. If you’re considering divorce, reach out to us for a free consultation at 405-591-3935.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fault conditions for divorce in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, fault conditions for divorce include adultery, abandonment, fraud, cruelty, imprisonment, conviction of a felony, and living apart, among others. However, most divorces are granted on a no-fault basis.

How many years do you have to be separated to be legally divorced in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, you must be separated for at least 90 days (if there are children) or 10 days (if there are no children) before a divorce can be granted.

What is the easiest way to get a divorce in Oklahoma?

The easiest way to get a divorce in Oklahoma is when both parties agree on everything, allowing for a simple process of filing a document with the court and attending a brief hearing for the final resolution.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, a wife is entitled to an equal share of the marital property, and debts accrued from community property are divided equitably between the couple. This ensures fair distribution of assets and debts in a divorce.

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"John has shown nothing but compassion and professional guidance in my case. He truly cares about his clients and is exceptionally understanding when it comes to any case he is representing. He communicates genuinely as well as in a timely matter. If I were able to give his firm any more than 5 stars, I most definitely would. He is incredible."


"John Cannon is an awesome attorney. He is very professional and honest. He really cares about his clients. John always gets back to you quickly to answer any questions you have regarding your case. I highly recommend CANNON & ASSOCIATES for any legal needs you may have."


"John Cannon has helped me through the hardest time in my life. He helped me through my divorce and custody case. He truly cares about his clients and it made me so happy he always put my daughter first and wanted what was in her best interest as a child. He is very sharp and resourceful and he has been very attentive and responsive to my needs, John is very polite and professional and he always has a great attitude. John always took the time to go over everything and explain everything in depth. I've enjoyed working with John and his team and would recommend him to other clients."


"I have known John for about 6 years now in his capacity as a Judge Advocate and a civilian attorney. John has a rare blend of both sharp analytical and interpersonal skills. I have seen John achieve positive outcomes for clients in complex scenarios and If you need an attorney who can do the same for you - this is your guy."


"John did a very good job. Although the outcome was not 100% what we expected(strange judgement) it was overall positive. I would, have and will continue to recommended him. Although I certainly hope to not need his services again in the capacity I hired him for I would not hesitate to call if I do. Thanks John"


"I signed up with John June 25th, July 5th I received an email that my case is in line to be DISMISSED, within a 2 week time period John made what was one of the most stressful times in my life better! Every case is different but he handled my case with care and he was extremely open in his communication throughout the whole process. I hope to never have to have a criminal attorney again but if I do I will definitely go back to John. I highly recommend him to anyone else who is needing an attorney!"


"John is a highly respected attorney. Professional and compassionate. He has a wealth of knowledge, being a military officer and having served as an Assistant District Attorney, a Public Defender, and an Assistant Attorney General. He helped a friend's son who was headed down the wrong path, but through John's legal defense the young man is now a successful business owner."


"John is a very professional attorney, who is not only concerned about the welfare of his client but very attentive and considerate of the family, or other bodies that are in the face of the adversity. While working on my family members case, John took time out to take a class that would educate him on how to approach the many different types of cases tried in the court room. John proved his sincerity to the calling of his job, being an attorney. I would definitely recommend him to anyone."


"Mr. Cannon went above and beyond for my wife. She was facing some pretty hard fines and prison time with the US Marshalls. Mr. Cannon fought a hard fight and got her a GREAT offer. Words cannot express how much I appreciate him and what he did for my wife. I would give 10 stars and I will be promoting him. He's that awesome. He keeps you informed, he will text or call you back, and he goes above what he is asked to do and I can reassure you"HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY MEMBER". I will continue retaining him for other things my wife is battling. High five and a great big hug to Mr. Cannon. Thank you!!! John took the reigns and provided us instant peace of mind. He was timely, respectful, transparent, very professional, honest and courteous. The service he provided was above and beyond our expectations. Can’t believe professionals like him are around. Highly highly without reservations recommend him and his team."


"John Cannon is an excellent attorney. He takes sincere interest in your needs. He maintains communication and provides all the information you might want to fully understand the legal process. He also suggests alternative resolutions to your legal needs so that you can make informed choices. I definitely recommend John."


"My experience with CANNON & ASSOCIATES was absolutely amazing. I hired John Cannon two days before my rebuttal statement was due back to the Staff Judge Advocate. Within that time frame he was able to talk to my Battery and Battalion Commanders, review my evidence, and help me write a rebuttal statement that help prove my case to them, the Brigade Commander and the Post Commanding General. Cannon worked thru the night to help me get the best results for me and my family. Due to his hard work and attention to detail I am still able to continue to serve my country and progress in my military career with no adverse actions on my record. I can not thank him enough on a job well done. Cannon showed me that he was invested in my case and I highly recommend you hire him when you need someone to represent you in a legal matter."


"John Cannon assisted me through a very difficult time in my military career. He worked tirelessly with me on my case and kept me informed during the entire process. I can't say enough good things about Mr. Cannon. He's incredibly knowledgeable with regards to military justice. The outcome of my case was successful and I attribute that to Mr. Cannon's professionalism and expertise in dealing with military law. I would highly recommend Mr. Cannon to anyone with military justice or criminal defense needs."


"Hands down the best lawyer. Mr.Cannon accepted my case and got on it the same day. I would give him 10 stars if I could. I really appreciate the dedication on how he handles things with a short time frame."


"Mr. Cannon has represented me on 2 criminal cases and one civil case over the past 4 years. He has always served me honestly, speedily and with good moral direction. John has integrity and humility. He has never belittled me or treated me in an unfair manor. I appreciate all that he has done for me and I most certainly recommend him to family, strangers and friends. I will definitely use Mr. Cannon in the future for any and all of my family's legal matters."


"Mr. Cannon went above and beyond for my wife. She was facing some pretty hard fines and prison time with the US Marshalls. Mr. Cannon fought a hard fight and got her a GREAT offer. Words cannot express how much I appreciate him and what he did for my wife. I would give 10 stars and I will be promoting him. He's that awesome. He keeps you informed, he will text or call you back, and he goes above what he is asked to do and I can reassure you"HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY MEMBER". I will continue retaining him for other things my wife is battling. High five and a great big hug to Mr. Cannon. Thank you!!!"


"I had a great experience with John. He is very personable and helped me a lot. I’m really grateful I found him. He made me feel confident that he was the right lawyer for my case and that he wasn’t trying to sell me but genuinely just wanted to help me. I would highly recommend John to anyone!"


"Working with Mr. Cannon has been a real life-saving experience for me and my family. He provides the knowledge of the possibilities as soon as he can get them, then works tirelessly to ensure that any concerns or questions are addressed immediately. He has been a great asset to us not only in the face of legal troubles, but in providing a sense of security that is truly reassuring in the face of the uncertain.Mr. Cannon has been a great resource and has been very patient with me. From the start he provided a list of things to do that would help me help him with my case and since the beginning has continued to give advice or suggestions on any matter that has bothered me with my situation, large or small. He is gentle, yet realistic, and this combination really does become a rock in tumultuous times such as these.I would highly recommend Mr. Cannon to anyone who needs a vigilant and committed attorney, especially one that stands by your side until your issue is resolved. He goes above and beyond not only to work, but to care for his clients!"


"John Cannon assisted me through a very difficult time in my military career. He worked tirelessly with me on my case and kept me informed during the entire process. I can't say enough good things about Mr. Cannon. He's incredibly knowledgeable with regards to military justice. The outcome of my case was successful and I attribute that to Mr. Cannon's professionalism and expertise in dealing with military law. I highly recommend Mr. Cannon to anyone with military justice or criminal defense needs."