Divorce Lawyer Serving Edmond and Oklahoma City

When facing separation or divorce in Oklahoma, beginning the process is often the most difficult part. At Cannon & Associates, our experienced Oklahoma City divorce attorneys recognize the difficulties in taking the first step towards protecting your interests and your rights in your Oklahoma divorce. We have developed a process to assist in learning about Oklahoma divorce, making the first key decisions, and take your first confident step on the journey to your new life. An initial confidential strategy meeting with our team will assist you in answering your questions, learn the basic process and framework of divorce in Oklahoma, and learn about your options. 

We have found that every potential client we have the pleasure of meeting with leaves with a better understanding of the process they are facing and answers to their most pressing questions. We encourage you to reach out for this no risk, high reward opportunity to get your questions answered, and see if we are the right fit for each other. Knowledge is power and we want you to know what you are facing, whether to decide to work with us or another firm. 

What to Expect from your Case Strategy Meeting with our Oklahoma Divorce Lawyers. Our process consists of the following:

INTRODUCTION: The first and most important step in beginning your search for a divorce attorney is meeting with the legal team and determining, if you like and trust them to represent you in your Oklahoma divorce. We ensure every person we meet with that their consult is a confidential conversation and the information discussed will not be shared with anyone. We will ask you a number of questions to ensure we understand your concerns and your goals in your case. Once we have a better understanding of the specific issues and concerns in your case, we will proceed to the next step, advising you about your situation.

LISTEN: We are dedicated to understanding every client or potential client we have the opportunity to meet. We want to understand your concerns, your fears, and your desired outcome for every part of your Oklahoma divorce. In order for us to inform you in and about your divorce case and your situation, we must first understand your concerns and what your desired outcomes are in your case. We hope to set aggressive yet reasonable goals in your divorce. We will listen to your situation and isolate the areas of Oklahoma family law that applies to your situation, so we can maximize our time together by only giving relevant and useful legal advice. 

EDUCATE: Although no Oklahoma divorce action is the same, most cases involve similar issues, which allows our team to advise you from both experience and application of Oklahoma divorce laws. The major issues in Oklahoma divorce proceedings consist of some or all of the following issues: legal custody of children, physical custody of children, division of assets, division of debts, spousal support, and child support. Although this is not an exhaustive list, most issues related to divorce fall under one of these categories or is a related issue. We will assist you in both understanding these general issues and how they specifically apply to your divorce.

Oklahoma divorce law is quite complicated; however, we are dedicated to explaining the process and rules in a straight forward manner that allows all our existing and potential clients to take away a better understanding of the process of an Oklahoma divorce and the key steps in the process. We do everything in our power to avoid complex legal theory and legalese in our meetings with clients and in the information, we provide. 

ADVISE: We strive to cater to the needs of each individual client. Therefore, in identifying only the issues in your divorce, we can provide you valuable insight and advice for your specific situation. The level of detail in your consultation will depend on the level of information you want to receive. However, we guarantee that you will leave your consult with a better understanding of your Oklahoma divorce process, Oklahoma divorce law, and a forecast of potential issues and outcomes in your divorce. 

Once we have educated you on the basic Oklahoma divorce process and practical issues of Oklahoma divorce, learned about your personal story of divorce and your divorce concerns, we will provide you specific legal advice on your specific pain points and concerns. We will apply our experience and the law to provide you a best case and worst-case analysis of each issue in your divorce case. The information we will provide you will span from steps to take prior to filing divorce in Oklahoma to protect your interests to specific steps we will help you make at every stage of your divorce. Whether you work with us or not, we want you to leave your meeting with our team in the best possible position to be successful in your Oklahoma divorce. 

GAME PLAN: After your case strategy meeting you should have a better understanding of the issues you will face in your divorce, your options, have out input/feedback on your goals, and a roadmap to reaching your goals in all the issues in your divorce case.  Additionally, we hope you will have a game plan for your divorce and understanding of the process. As stated above, Oklahoma divorces range from simple waiver divorces without children to highly complex division of assets, retirement accounts, and complex child custody issues. Dependent upon the specific circumstances of your case, we may advise you to proceed without counsel, wait for a more opportune time, develop a specific negotiation strategy, attempt marital counseling, or immediately file your Oklahoma divorce action to protect your financial interests or child custody.


Whatever your circumstances, you will leave your case strategy meeting knowing your options, the foreseeable risks in your divorce, and what our legal fees are for representing you in your Oklahoma divorce. 

Cannon & Associates is dedicated to Fierce Advocacy FOR our clients, not AGAINST them! You will never be pressured to hire our law firm and you are under no obligation to hire us, if you meet with our team. We want to educate as many people as possible that are facing divorce; however, if we are the right fit for you we would be honored to walk alongside you during your divorce. 

Contact – Cannon & Associates: Fierce Advocates For Oklahoma Divorce Clients

Facing divorce is a scary endeavor and can be very complicated. We strive to ensure every client and potential client we meet understand the process of their Oklahoma divorce. Cannon & Associates has the years of experience and expertise needed to deliver an aggressive legal representation to you in your divorce case.

 Contact Cannon & Associates by completing the CONTACT FORM ON THIS PAGE NOW or CALL at 405-657-2323 for a free confidential case evaluation.