Person in handcuffs.

Criminal Defense: Steps to Defend your Case

Being charged with a criminal offense is a very stressful and confusing experience for any person and their loved ones. The variety of issues you face at one time can seem daunting: your liberty, your rights, and your future; only part of the equation. You are faced with potentially life…

Military law book next to judge gavel.

The Spectrum of Military Justice from Verbal Counseling to Prison

As a Judge Advocate, I am tasked with defending Service members through a wide range of legal processes and procedures that make up our military justice system, including the spectrum of employment law, administrative law, and criminal law. Free Resources from OKC Federal Criminal Lawyers:  Our team of Your Fierce…

Court room.

Criminal Military Proceedings: Pleas and No Thank You

In State Court proceedings a criminal defendant may enter a plea of no contest or an Alford Plea, in lieu of a guilty plea, and may be sentenced, while maintaining factual innocence. The Alford Plea originates from the 1970 United States Supreme Court case of North Carolina v. Alford, 400…

Police lights.

(Video) What Should You Do If You’re Pulled Over For A DUI?

Free Resources from OKC DUI Lawyers and Your Fierce Advocates®:  Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by our founder and Army veteran, John Cannon. We are privileged to defend clients facing OKC DUI charges, Edmond DUI charges, and DUI charges across Oklahoma. We also fight for…

John Cannon talking in court room.

What do I do if I’m arrested? (Video)

Getting arrested is a confusing, stressful, and a terrible experience that can bring up many new questions. It’s important you know your rights. It’s also important you have a strong defense attorney which can be the difference between freedom and going to jail. Free Resources from OKC Criminal Defense Attorneys: …

United States founders.

A Criminal Defendant’s Constitution

I often get asked, “Why do you practice criminal defense?” or “how can you defend criminals?” The answers is simple: to protect the Constitution, fight the power of accusation, and care for my fellow man. Free Resources from OKC Criminal Defense Attorneys:  Have you or a loved one been arrested…