What is Common Law marriage? Common law marriage is a recognized form of marriage and is equally valid in Oklahoma as a ceremonial marriage. Neither type of marriage is better or stronger than the other. This means that two people don’t have to get a marriage license of have any…

A judge banging a gavel.

Criminal Sentencing in Oklahoma

General Sentencing Structure The traditional sentencing method in Oklahoma occurs after a person is found to be guilty of a crime at trial or following a plea agreement. A judge or jury decides on a person’s innocence of guilt during the trial phase of the prosecution, and then makes a…

Military police officer.


Losing your Security Clearance will cost you your job, income, and your reputation. When you need a security clearance to work, you can expect thorough background checks into almost every aspect of your life: any investigations you have been subject to or apart of, your financial habits, any history of…

Military law book.

Can I Appeal an Instillation Barment Letter from a Military Commander?

Yes, whether you received the notice in writing or were simply told that you are barred from an instillation, you have the ability to appeal or respond to an instillation barment letter. Free Resources from OKC Federal Criminal Lawyers:  Our team of Your Fierce Advocates® at Cannon & Associates is led by…

Contraband word cloud.

Defenses Against Drug Trafficking Charges

When most people think of drug trafficking, they think of scenes from a tv show or movie; however, in real life people are shocked to learn about the substantial penalties and prison time they may face as a result of being charged with a drug trafficking offense in Oklahoma. Time…

Gavel in front of an American flag.

Installation Barment from Oklahoma Military Bases

What is an Instillation Barment? Barment is a tool used by an installation Commanding Officer (CO) to protect their military base. It gives them the ability to deny access, remove, or exclude a person from the base premises. In determining whether to bar an individual, the CO must be evenhanded,…

Blurred lights flying by in a car.

Field Sobriety Tests and DUI Penalties in Oklahoma

Oklahoma Field Sobriety Tests and DUI Penalties What is the Difference between a DUI and a DWI? A DUI is a crime that means “driving under the influence.” Influence in this context can mean alcohol, drugs, or substances which impair a driver’s ability to safely drive, to the point where…