Vintage gavel next to scales and handcuffs.

Pre-Trial Detention in Federal Criminal Prosecution

The procedures and standards governing pretrial detention in federal court were modified substantially in 1984 with the Bail Reform Act of 1984 (18 U.S.C. § 3142). The modification was made to give courts adequate authority to make pre-trial decisions that consider the dangers of an individual’s release in lieu of…

Vintage gavel next to scales and handcuffs.

Federal Sentencing in Drug Trafficking Cases

STATUTES AND GUIDELINES FOR FEDERAL CRIMES What are Sentencing Guidelines for Federal Crimes? Federal sentencing guidelines provide a guide to federal judges and federal criminal defendants on the range of punishment the U.S. Probation Office deems appropriate for a given federal criminal defendant facing specific federal criminal charges on their…

A gun on a table next to bullets.

Federal Firearm Charges and Defenses to Federal Gun Charges

Introduction Federal criminal firearm statutes are complex and the penalties for these federal crimes are serious. Federal law dictates that a variety of conduct can place anyone into a category of prohibited persons that cannot possess or even be around firearms under federal law. Our Fierce Advocates have assisted many…

Contraband word cloud.

Federal Drug Trafficking 101

What does Drug Trafficking Mean? Many people assume that federal drug trafficking is limited to scenes from movies or tv shows about the cartel or other drug enterprises; however, it is not that simple. In reality federal drug trafficking charges encompasses a much larger group of people charged with drug…

Federal criminal courthouse.

Federal Criminal Proceedings by Teleconference

Experience matters when you are facing Federal Indictment or Federal Criminal Charges in Oklahoma. It is important to know the Oklahoma federal criminal defense lawyer you hire is dedicated to your cause and versed in all aspects of federal criminal defense. John Cannon, owner of Cannon & Associates is a former prosecutor…

United States Court House.

Can I get a Change of Venue in Federal Court?

Introduction to Federal Charges in Oklahoma The Federal Criminal Defense Attorneys at Cannon & Associates are FIERCE ADVOCATES for those charged with any and all federal crimes. We have successfully defending many clients in federal court across Oklahoma.  Free Resources from OKC Federal Criminal Lawyers:  Our team of Your Fierce…